My dotfiles have used parts of or have been inspired by at least the following repositories / pages
- ps1337
- bardisty/gruvbox-rofi
- ohmyzsh/oh-my-zsh
- huyng/bashmarks
- regnarg/urxvt-config-reload
- bobafetthotmail/refind-theme-regular
- morhetz/gruvbox-generalized
- arcticicestudio/nord-xresources
- arcticicestudio/nord-terminator
- arcticicestudio/nord-termite
- dracula/termite
- joshdick/onedark.vim
- seebi/dircolors-solarized
- morhetz/gruvbox
- GiuseppeCesarano/nvim-config
- nathanbuchar/atom-one-dark-terminal
- charlesdaniels/dotfiles
- crivotz/dot_files
- durdn/cfg
- pipeseroni/
- pipeseroni/
- caarlos0/
- trapd00r/LS_COLORS
- replaceits/Simple-Lemonbar
- dikiaap/dotfiles
- Earnestly/dotfiles
- LukeSmithxyz/voidrice
- mark64/dotfiles
- sainathadapa/i3-wm-config/blob/master/config
- mrzool/bash-sensible
- orhun/dotfiles
- BurntSushi/dotfiles
- vikaskyadav/awesome-bash-alias
- FrenzyExists/dotfiles
- gist/mwhite/6887990
- must-have-git-aliases-advanced-examples